Dedham is a Massachusetts town located in Norfolk county. Over the years, our team has done plenty of work within the town of Dedham. With a population now over 25,000 people in Dedham, there are a handful of homes our team is ready to offer our services to! Please continue reading to learn how our services can be of benefit to you and your property!
Residential and Commercial Mold Remediation Services
Mold can be paramount in any home or commercial property, especially in a Massachusetts town. Once you notice mold in your Dedham home or commercial property, give our team a call! We can remediate the mold in an efficient manner and prevent the mold situation from getting worse. If the mold situation is urgent, we can offer 24/7 mold removal services to address the issue.
Dry Vent Cleaning Services
Dryer vents help homes remove moisture but can get dirty or clogged easily. If your dryer vent is dirty, clogged or backed-up, our team can provide a professional dryer vent cleaning to ensure optimal performance!
Restoration and Rebuild Services
Moldguys Restoration is now offering “restoration and rebuild services” across Massachusetts. Essentially, with this service our team can take down an affected part of your basement, kitchen etc., address the mold, and then restore the area to look as good as new again!
Professional Mold Services In Dedham, MA
Got mold in Dedham? Get Moldguys! Our team is properly trained, has years of experience and is committed to helping ensure our communities stay as healthy as possible! Contact us today to get started!