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Tips for Beating Mold and Mildew Before They Start

Home Blog Tips for Beating Mold and Mildew Before They Start

Mold pops up seemingly out of nowhere. Under the right conditions, it can begin growing in as little as 24 to 48 hours. You won’t have a full-scale problem on your hands right away, but wait long enough and you’ll be wishing you had been a bit more proactive on keeping mold at bay in the first place. Luckily for you, we have some suggestions on how to get the jump on mildew and mold before they ensnare your home in their clutches.

Increase Air Circulation While Reducing Humidity

One of the cheapest ways to do this is simply opening your windows or turning on a fan or two. Although, opening up the windows is likely not an option now that the cold weather has arrived. If you have a bathroom window, however, there is no harm in throwing it open when you take your morning shower in order to prevent moisture from building up in the bathroom. In times of cold weather, consider purchasing a dehumidifier to help reduce overall moisture inside of your living space. If you can, purchase one with digital readings so you can actively keep indoor humidity below 40%.

Quickly Repair Any Leaks

Since mold and mildew grow at a relatively rapid pace, attend to any leaks your home may have. The longer a leak is left unrepaired, the more likely you are to be dealing with the fallout of the mold and damage that comes along with an unattended leak. Fixing the leak as soon as you notice it will only save you time and money in the long run.

Keep Entryway Floors Dry During Wet Weather

While it’s not great to have wall-to-wall carpet, or sections of carpet, in your entryway, you might not have a choice if you’re currently renting your property. If you have carpet up to your door, be sure to vacuum the area regularly when the weather is wet. Regularly inspect carpeted entryways for signs of mold by the baseboards or wherever the carpet meets the wall.

These are a few ways you can help mitigate mold growth in your home. Try them out and you should notice an improvement in areas where you have noticed light to moderate mold activity. If you appear to have a larger problem on your hands than you thought, don’t hesitate to contact us at 781-910-5029 or 781-733-3675. You can also fill out our online contact form!   

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